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Share, Relate, Heal

Dear Pain

A space to share, relate, and heal.

Do you live with Chronic Pain? Do you have a hard time relating to people because they might not be going through the same thing you are? Dear Pain has been created for YOU to find others to relate to. It’s for you to share your experience and connect with someone who is going through the exact same thing, or something similar. If you’d like to be a part of this ever growing community we would love to hear from you and I’m sure someone else could really use your support. 

Dear Pain


Dear Pain, Writing this is not as easy as it seems. It’s personal yet I know there are a lot of people out there that

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Dear Pain

Max Holihan

Dear Pain, My name is Max Holihan. I am 30 years old, and I have lived with chronic pain for 27 years. This is my

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Dear Pain

Jon Davis

Dear Pain, I can still remember the first time I laughed; I truly laughed. All the familiar people in my life sat in small, but

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Dear Pain Submission

Please begin your entry with, “ Dear Pain “. Write as if you are informing someone who just got diagnosed themselves, or who has been experiencing the same kind of pain you have also been living with. Lending your heart, experience and depth of knowledge could potentially help someone in a similar situation.

Please be as REAL as you can when sharing YOUR story… We really want to give truth to what we are all experiencing. The goal is to connect / bring awareness / comfort to one another. 

Questions to think about for your entry

  1. What are you currently battling with? Or what have you battled with in the past?
  2. What does/did your pain FEEL like?
  3. What kind of western/eastern medicine have you tried? Did it work?
  4. What have your experiences with doctors been like?
  5. How do you stay positive through the rough days?
  6. What tips and tricks do you have that you think would benefit someone else? (Emotional or physical)
  7. What is one thing you can’t do because of your pain? 
  8. What is one thing you are working towards achieving?
  9. What can you do despite the pain?
  10. How can you inspire someone to find a balance with their pain?

Training Interest Form

Client Intake Form
